Friday, 27 April 2012

Roman Ragdolls and new market

Hi everyone!

I have been quiet, mostly due to the fact that I'm not too fond of the new blogger.
This week Saturday I will be selling at the Shongweni Farmer's Market. I did it last week too. I will probably try it out for a few Saturdays to see what it's like. I love the space they give me. If you're in the area come check it out!

I haven't stressed too much this week about making too many things. But I love creating so I made these two Roman rag doll cuties.
I will add better pictures later on.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Zombies go to Prom

I set out to make replicas of the zombies I had already made because they sold before I could take proper pictures of them but instead I ended up making Prom couples. I think they're all pretty cute zombie couples.
The girls are twins wearing matching dresses and the boys were going to go all fancy in full tuxedos but for a fun, punky feel they decided on tshirt tux's.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Some new items

Hi everyone!

I made a few new things for the exhibition and for a custom order. Thought I'd share a few pics of them.

The new items include, a mini Day of the Dead Bride and Groom, and a mini Darth Vader and 'The Stig' for a lovely new customer.
Some new Day of the Dead creatures - a Bat, Panda and Moose.
And two new zombies. The boy is wearing jeans and a hoody and the girl is a psych ward zombie.